Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Episode 018 - Hosted by Mark Allender frm his car

Christian Howes - “Fugue in G Minor”
Darol Anger - “In the Basement”
Dirty Three - “Flutter”
Miri Ben-Ari (feat. Akon) - "“Miss Melody”
Ben Heaney - “Elvionix”
Zydepunks - “Blues En Jen”
Zhe Clampitt - “They Will Know”
Ben Jacob - “Invocation: An improvisation for solo violin ”

Hello everybody,

Well it came two weeks behind schedule, but it came just the same. Here it is - Episode 018. I am currently working three jobs, so finding time to actually record the show has been difficult. But I got this brand new Sansa mp3 player - complete with voice recorder - so I recorded the announcements for the show while driving to work on a recent snowy 6 am drive.

As the openning to the show indicates, this show features work by a Christian (Zhe), two guys named Christian (Howes and Kuffner of the Zydepunks), a guy named after a mortal sin (Darol Anger), and three people named Ben (Heaney, Jacob, and Miri Ben-Ari). There's also the Dirty Three, but I couldn't think of anything clever for those guys.

I don't know what else to say - the tunes are great, the artists are wonderful. And I'm tired. But thank you for your patience.

Enjoy the music and keep in touch!


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